2008 Archive
(January to June) |
2007 Archive
(January to June) |
2007 Archive
(July to December) |
2006 Archive |
2005 Archive |
Police fans may soon be walking on the moon again - December 30, 2006 |
Vatican says Saddam execution "tragic" - December 30, 2006 |
Hanging Saddam "barbaric" - top EU official - December 30, 2006 |
Kids Save Horses Headed To The Slaughterhouse - December 29, 2006 |
Ancient ice shelf snaps and breaks free from the Canadian Arctic - December 28, 2006 |
More than 1 million New Yorkers ask: food or rent? - December 26, 2006 |
Alarming 9-11 claim is found baseless (Able Danger) - December 25, 2006 |
Singer James Brown Dies at 73 - December 25, 2005 |
Thousands of Iraqi police killed in the line of duty (12,000) - December 25, 2006 |
Bald Eagle to Be Taken Off Endangered List - December 25, 2005 |
FBI Considered "It's A Wonderful Life" Communist Propaganda - December 24, 2006 |
Bono to Receive Honorary Knighthood - December 23, 2006 |
Macy's Pulls Sean John Hooded Jackets (Dog Fur From China) - December 22, 2006 |
School accuses 5-year-old of sex harassment - December 20, 2006 |
Dumping by tanker nets record fine - December 20, 2006 |
FBI to release last of its John Lennon files - December 19, 2006 |
Democrats leave Bono disappointed - December 18, 2006 |
Marijuana top US cash crop, policy analyst says - December 18, 2006 |
High IQ link to being vegetarian - December 15, 2006 |
Border Fence Firm Snared for Hiring Illegal Workers - December 14, 2006 |
'Convert or die' game divides Christians - December 12, 2006 |
GOP Senator: Iraq War May Be Criminal - December 8, 2006 |
Officer is held in attack on (handcuffed) teen - December 8, 2006 |
4 -year-old Accused of Improperly Touching Teacher - December 8, 2006 |
Richard Dreyfuss Launches Civics Roadshow on Martha's Vineyard - December 8, 2006 |
America ranked the most unfriendly to visitors in recent survey - December 6, 2006 |
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez wins re-election by wide margin - December 4, 2006 |
What Will History Say? He's The Worst Ever (Eric Foner on Bush) - December 3, 2006 |
The Republicans Lost Iraq - December 2, 2006 |
Birth control credited with drop in teen pregnancy - December 1, 2006 |
Foe of Birth Control to Head Family Planning - December 1, 2006 |
Gore: 'I would have heeded 9-11 warnings' - November 29, 2006 |
Review -- Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut DVD - November 28, 2006 |
Richard Donner Talks Superman II: The Richard Donner Cut - November 27, 2006 |
U.S. Involved in Iraq Longer Than WW II - November 25, 2005 |
Outsourcing animal testing (Dogs in China) - November 25, 2006 |
Are George W. Bush lovers certifiable? - November 23, 2006 |
Porn Site Operator Jailed (For Life) in China - November 22, 2006 |
Alleged rape victim sentenced to 90 lashes (Saudi Arabia) - November 21, 2006 |
Muslim Group Arrested For Praying On Plane - November 21, 2006 |
Malachi burns himself alive to protest Iraq war - November 18, 2006 |
Impeach the American People! - November 17, 2006 |
Soldier pleads guilty in Iraq killings (rape & burning of 14 year old girl) - November 16, 2006 |
Document shows Bush guided CIA on detention - November 14, 2006 |
House Judiciary Chairman Blocks Bill Against Animal Fighting - November 14, 2006 |
US: Immigrants May Be Held Indefinitely - November 13, 2006 |
Bye-bye, bullies! - November 13, 2006 |
What a Mandate! Popular Vote For Senate Was 55%-43% Democratic - November 11, 2006 |
Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse - November 10, 2006 |
World Welcomes Shift in U.S. Politics - November 9, 2006 |
Pastor will shut down controversial kids camp (Jesus Camp) - November 8, 2006 |
Dems Complete Election Sweep of Congress - November 8, 2006 |
Democrats Take Control of the Senate - November 8, 2006 |
Rumsfeld quits as Democrats sweep U.S. election - November 8, 2006 |
Democrats turn the tables in Washington - November 8, 2006 |
Democrats take control of US House - November 8, 2006 |
Democrats take majority of governorships - November 8, 2006 |
Voters go for higher minimum wage - November 8, 2006 |
South Dakota rejects tough abortion law - November 8, 2006 |
Evangelist Ted Haggard Admits to 'Sexual Immorality' - November 5, 2006 |
Cameras Show Army Recruiters Misleading Students - November 4, 2006 |
U.S. seeks silence on detainees - November 4, 2006 |
Evangelist Ted Haggard Admits Meth, Massage, No Sex - November 3, 2006 |
RNC Accepts Money From Army Porn Movie Distributor - November 3, 2006 |
7 Retired judges call detainee law unconstitutional - November 2, 2006 |
Bush: China saving too much money(should become a country of consumers) November 2, 2006 |
Bush: U.S. Must Stay In Iraq To Control Oil And Protect Israel - November 2, 2006 |
Abstinence message goes beyond teens (no sex without marriage) - October 31, 2006 |
Drive Them Out: Democratic Endorsements From an Unexpected Source - October 30, 2006 |
Judge 'orders arrest of Pinochet' - October 27, 2006 |
Michael J. Fox: I Was Over-Medicated In Stem Cell Ad - October 26, 2006 |
Iraq better off under Saddam, says Blix - October 26, 2006 |
United States now ranks 53rd on Press Freedom Index - October 25, 2006 |
Israel admits phosphorous bombing - October 22, 2006 |
Campaign Ad Linking Democrat to 'Sex' Call May Backfire on GOP - October 21, 2006 |
Pat Tillman's Army Ranger brother, Kevin: Vote For Change - October 20, 2006 |
DR Congo hippos 'face extinction' (within weeks) - October 19, 2006 |
Bush Asserts U.S. Rights In Space - October 18, 2006 |
A billion dollars a year for pot - October 18, 2006 |
History should record October 17, 2006, as the reverse of July 4, 1776 - October 18, 2006 |
CBGB Brings Down the Curtain With Nostalgia and One Last Night of Rock - October 16, 2006 |
Clinton says Republican extremists divided country - October 15, 2006 |
US Christian leader 'shocked' at Iraq death-toll study statistics - October 12, 2006 |
John McCain is dead wrong about North Korea - October 11, 2006 |
Study Claims Iraq's 'Excess' Death Toll Has Reached 655,000 - October 11, 2006 |
Exclusive: Book says Bush just using Christians - October 11, 2006 |
Bush's 'Axis of Evil' Comes Back to Haunt United States - October 10, 2006 |
Punk Venue CBGB's Closing After 33 Years - October 9, 2006 |
Preacher says GOP delaying 2nd coming - October 9, 2006 |
Sean Hannity is a Big, Fat Lying Hypocritical Repuglican Blowhard - October 9, 2006 |
Sailor: I saw Marines kill Iraqi civilian, fake crime scene - October 6, 2006 |
Store manager torched pet shop (blames animal activists) - October 6, 2006 |
AP Learns Gitmo Guards Brag of Beatings - October 6, 2006 |
Teachers with guns? GOP Lawmaker proposes - October 5, 2006 |
Washington Times: Resign, Mr. Speaker - October 3, 2006 |
Condoleeza Rice: I don't recall alert about attack - October 2, 2006 |
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist: Taliban Should Be in Afghan Government - October 2, 2006 |
Records Show Tenet Briefed Rice on Al Qaeda Threat - October 2, 2006 |
Two Months Before 9-11, an Urgent Warning to Rice - October 1, 2006 |
Rep. Mark Foley resigns in wake of e-mails to teen male page - September 29, 2006 |
2001 memo to Rice contradicts statements about Clinton - September 26, 2006 |
Wes Clark: "For eight months Bush did nothing -- nothing" - September 25, 2006 |
Spy Agencies Say Iraq War Worsens Terror Threat - September 24, 2006 |
VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT: The Clinton Smackdown On Fox News - September 24, 2006 |
Clinton Faults Bush for Inaction on Bin Laden - September 22, 2006 |
Voter ID Bill Could Deny Voting Rights to 11 Million U.S. Citizens - September 22, 2006 |
The Abuse Can Continue - September 22, 2006 |
Chavez: "Bush Has Called Me Worse Things" - September 22, 2006 |
Reclaiming The Issues: "Keep George Out Of Jail" - September 21, 2006 |
Nearly 6,600 Iraqi civilians killed in July, August - September 20, 2006 |
No One Dares to Help (Wounded die on Baghdad streets) - September 20, 2006 |
Papers Show Bush Allies' (Grover Norquist, Ralph Reed) Inside Access - September 20, 2006 |
Young children fight U.S. troops in Iraq - September 19, 2006 |
Bush White House lied to 9/11 first responders about air quality - September 19, 2006 |
Ex-Homeland Security Official Pleads No Contest to Sex Charges - September 19, 2006 |
Congress Considering Strip Searching Students - September 18, 2006 |
How Bush Failed Jesus and the Return of the Christian Crusade - September 18, 2006 |
U.S. Holds AP Photographer in Iraq 5 Months Without Charges - September 17, 2006 |
Slaughtered Dolphins In Japan - September 17, 2006 |
Film Shows Youths Training to Fight for Jesus - September 17, 2006 |
YouTube: Jesus Camp Kids Worshipping to a George Bush Picture - September 17, 2006 |
Media ownership study ordered destroyed - September 14, 2006 |
BBC did not know of "Path To 9/11" film's link to religious right - September 13, 2006 |
The Secret Right-Wing Network Behind ABC's "Path To 9/11" Deception - September 8, 2006 |
War Crimes Act protection for Bush administration would apply retroactively - August 9, 2006 |
Bush's Would-Be DHS Chief (Bernard Kerik) Faces 2nd Probe - August 4, 2006 |
The Collapse Of Enlightenment - August 3, 2006 |
9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - August 2, 2006 |
Great Hills Baptist Church official accused of sexually assaulting teen - August 2, 2006 |
Kidnappers take 25 from Chamber of Commerce in Baghdad - August 1, 2006 |
Chinese County Slaughters 50,000 Dogs - August 1, 2006 |
Bush Administration to remove funding for 1-800-SUICIDE - July 31, 2006 |
Rep. John Conyers Report on Potential Bush Crimes - July 31, 2006 |
"Killing people is like squashing an ant:" former US soldier - July 30, 2006 |
Gibson's Anti-Semitic Tirade -- Alleged Cover Up - July 28, 2006 |
Ambulances fired on by Israel, says Red Cross - July 25, 2006 |
Vegas Makes It A Crime To Feed Homeless People - July 21, 2006 |
Iraqi Death Toll Rises Above 100 Per Day, U.N. Says - July 19, 2006 |
Wilkerson: Cheney's Office Cultivated a Pro-Torture Environment - July 12, 2006 |
Islamists vow death for non-prayers - July 7, 2006 |
Soldier charged with rape and murder of 15 year old girl - July 3, 2006 |
Curse Word On Check May Cost Jail Time - June 27, 2006 |
Charles Darwin's tortoise dies - June 23, 2006 |
Springsteen Mocks Ann Coulter, TV Pundits - June 23, 2006 |
Defense Department Disavows Santorum's WMD Claims - June 21, 2006 |
Half of U.S. illegal aliens enter legally - June 21, 2006 |
Revived Taliban waging 'full-blown insurgency' - June 20, 2006 |
"President O'Reilly" would run Iraq "just like Saddam ran it" - June 20, 2006 |
Pentagon Lists Homosexuality As Disorder - June 19, 2006 |
Lawmakers cut deal to allow offshore drilling - June 19, 2006 |
Endangered humpback whales to be hunted for the first time in 30 years - June 18, 2006 |
Alleged victim testifies in sexual assault trial against GOP ad man - June 17, 2006 |
GOP Congressman Supports Ten Commandments But Doesn't KNOW Them! - June 16, 2006 |
N.Y. report denounces shock use at school - June 15, 2006 |
Pro-Whaling Nations Set to Take Control - June 15, 2006 |
Author Warns Christians About Yoga's Demonic Influence - June 15, 2006 |
Hawking says pope told him not to study beginning of universe - June 15, 2006 |
Cheesesteaks, with a side of bigotry - June 13, 2006 |
9/11 Widows, New York Papers, Respond to Coulter's 'Slander' - June 7, 2006 |
House GOP Blocks Funding for N.Y., D.C. - June 6, 2006 |
Lioness in zoo kills man who invoked God - June 5, 2006 |
U.S. to drop Geneva rule, officials say - June 5, 2006 |
Communion Denied to Gay Rights Activists - June 5, 2006 |
Officers Likely to Be Charged in Haditha Killings - June 2, 2006 |
The Religious Right Is Un-American - June 2, 2006 |
DHS on NYC: No Icons, No Monuments Worth Protecting - June 1, 2006 |
Ian Copeland Funeral Goes Ahead In Los Angeles - May 31, 2006 |
New Witness Describes Alleged Iraq Atrocity - May 28, 2006 |
Iraqi tennis team killed for wearing shorts - May 27, 2006 |
Military to Report Marines Killed Iraqi Civilians - May 26, 2006 |
Enron Verdict: Ken Lay Guilty on All Counts, Skilling on 19 Counts - May 25, 2006 |
Death of a New Wave Pioneer - May 25, 2006 |
Ian Copeland Dies at 57 - May 25, 2006 |
Police and REM rock promoter Ian Copeland dies - May 25, 2006 |
Beautiful Tihl Dies At Age 15 - May 18, 2006 |
Putin lashes out at 'wolf-like' America - May 11, 2006 |
E-Mails Show Brown Disputed Levee Breach - May 10, 2006 |
Anti-abortion crowd targets birth control - May 9, 2006 |
Bush approval rating hits new low (31%) - May 8, 2006 |
Last U.S. survivor of Titanic sinking, 99, dies - May 8, 2006 |
CIA chief quits after 'Hookergate' - May 7, 2006 |
CIA boss Goss is cooked - May 6, 2006 |
Black Voter Turnout Down in New Orleans - May 5, 2006 |
Cold War is reheated as Cheney tells off Moscow - May 5, 2006 |
Iraqi police 'killed 14-year-old boy for being homosexual' - May 5, 2006 |
Hacker fears 'UFO cover-up' - May 5, 2006 |
Controversial dig sparks pyramid mania in Bosnia - May 4, 2006 |
MSNBC confirms: Outed CIA agent was working on Iran - May 1, 2006 |
Spain destroys lost Roman city for a car park - April 30, 2006 |
Bush challenges hundreds of laws - April 30, 2006 |
Colbert Lampoons Bush at White House Correspondents Dinner - April 29, 2006 |
Thousands in NYC March Against Iraq War - April 29, 2006 |
Navy sonar blamed for whale strandings - April 29, 2006 |
400 Dead Dolphins Found Off African Coast - April 28, 2006 |
Rush Limbaugh arrested on prescription fraud charges - April 28, 2006 |
Hispanic Teen Nearly Killed For Trying To Kiss White Girl - April 27, 2006 |
Bush was warned there were no WMD, says former CIA man - April 24, 2006 |
Rolling Stone : The Worst President in History? - April 21, 2006 |
Terror attacks on the rise, report reveals - April 21, 2006 |
Bill would make sale of sex toys illegal in South Carolina - April 21, 2006 |
Rove's Role Reduced, McClellan Resigns in White House Shakeup - April 20, 2006 |
GOP Lawmaker sends nude 'appreciation' e-mail - April 13, 2006 |
National Archives OK'd Removing Records, Kept Quiet - April 12, 2006 |
Nazi Runs as Republican in Montana State Race - April 11, 2006 |
Christians Sue for Right Not to Tolerate Policies - April 10, 2006 |
Tigers 'virtually extinct' in India - April 9, 2006 |
Libby: Bush OK'd Secret Intel Leak - April 6, 2006 |
'Playing The Clash made me a terror suspect' - April 5, 2006 |
Indicted Tom DeLay to resign from Congress - April 4, 2006 |
Homeland Security official arrested in (child) sex sting - April 4, 2006 |
Fatwa against statues triggers uproar in Egypt - April 3, 2006 |
Right-wing bloggers attack freed hostage for 'treason' - April 3, 2006 |
Caribbean Coral Suffers Record Death - March 30, 2006 |
Costs Soar As Clergy Sex Abuse Cases Rise (783) - March 30, 2006 |
U.S. deserter alleges atrocities - March 30, 2006 |
Ex-lobbyist Abramoff gets 6 years - March 29, 2006 |
Teenager Arrested After Speeding, Possessing Tobacco Illegally - March 29, 2006 |
Conservatives: The new Communists - March 29, 2006 |
Bush Was Set on Path to War, British Memo Says - March 27, 2006 |
'Donor states' are 'blue states' - March 23, 2006 |
Texas arresting people in bars for being drunk - March 22, 2006 |
Former Iraqi minister refutes NBC report he told CIA about WMD - March 22, 2006 |
Mississippi outlaws sex toys - March 21, 2006 |
Documents show Saddam's WMD frustrations - March 21, 2006 |
Abu Ghraib Dog Handler Found Guilty - March 21, 2006 |
FBI Agent Slams Bosses at Moussaoui Trial - March 21, 2006 |
Iraqi diplomat gave U.S. prewar WMD details - March 20, 2006 |
How to spot a baby conservative - March 19, 2006 |
Iraqi cleric wants gays killed in "most severe way" - March 16, 2006 |
House OKs birth control funding ban - March 16, 2006 |
Former judge says US risks edging near to dictatorship - March 13, 2006 |
Faith Hill, Tim McGraw Blast 'Humiliating' Katrina Cleanup - March 8, 2006 |
Dana Reeve dies of lung cancer at 44 - March 7, 2006 |
Statement by John Kerry on the Passing of Dana Reeve - March 7, 2006 |
Heather and Paul McCartney Bring Hope to Canada's Seals - March 3, 2006 |
McCartneys put spotlight on pup seal hunt - March 2, 2006 |
'No One Could Have Anticipated ...' - March 2, 2006 |
Tape: Bush, Chertoff Warned Before Katrina - March 2, 2006 |
The (Domino) pizza pope's (Christian) utopia - March 1, 2006 |
Poll: Bush Ratings At All-Time Low (34%) - February 27, 2006 |
Darren McGavin, 'The Night Stalker', dies at 83 - February 26, 2006 |
FBI memos reveal allegations of abusive interrogation techniques - February 23, 2006 |
Your Red Meat May Be Getting Some Artificial Help - February 22, 2006 |
Unmarried couple denied right to move in - February 22, 2006 |
I Didn't Call John Stossel a "Corporate Shill", But I Should Have! - February 21, 2006 |
Firefighters idly watch as blaze destroys non-member's property - February 17, 2006 |
Jedi (George Lucas) Helps Democrats Strike Back - February 15, 2006 |
"If It's Sunday, It's Conservative" (talk shows) - February 15, 2006 |
Bush budget would cut popular health programs (Christopher Reeve PRC) - February 14, 2006 |
Cheney shoots man on hunting trip in Texas - February 12, 2006 |
White House Knew of Levee's Failure on Night of Storm - February 10, 2006 |
SD House Approves Abortion Ban - February 10, 2006 |
Ex-CIA Official Faults Use of Data on Iraq - February 10, 2006 |
Cheney 'Authorized' Libby to Leak Classified Information - February 9, 2006 |
Abramoff says he met Bush "almost a dozen" times - February 9, 2006 |
Tough U.S. Steps in Hunger Strike at Camp in Cuba - February 9, 2006 |
Sweden plans to be world's first oil-free economy - February 8, 2006 |
First-Grader Suspended for Sexual Harassment - February 7, 2006 |
'Lost World' of wildlife found in Indonesia - February 7, 2006 |
Fla. Pastor Accused Of Throwing Puppies From Pickup Truck - February 7, 2006 |
Powell aide calls reasons for Iraq war a "hoax" - February 3, 2006 |
Fitzgerald Court Papers: Bush Was Briefed on Joe Wilson - February 3, 2006 |
Cheney's (MLK) holiday hypocrisy - February 3, 2006 |
Judge Slams Ex-EPA Chief Over Sept. 11 - February 3, 2006 |
It's capitalism or a habitable planet - you can't have both - February 2, 2006 |
Exxon Mobil Posts Largest Annual Profit for U.S. Company - January 30, 2006 |
Can You Imagine George Bush by Another Name? - January 30, 2006 |
Study Ties Political Leanings to Hidden Biases (Duh!) - January 30, 2006 |
Documents Show Army Seized Wives As Tactic - January 28, 2006 |
Analysis: Hamas Victory a Message for Bush - January 26, 2006 |
Government Agencies Spying on Vegetarians - January 25, 2006 |
White House Got Early Warning on Katrina - January 24, 2006 |
Rove: GOP to Use Terror As Campaign Issue - January 20, 2006 |
Bush Authorized Domestic Spying Before 9/11 - January 13, 2006 |
New Medicare law trips up the poor - January 12, 2006 |
Howard Dean: 'This is a Republican Scandal' - January 9, 2006 |
Sea Shepherd Sideswipes Japanese Whaling Supply Ship - January 8, 2006 |
DeLay Resigns as Majority Leader - January 7, 2006 |
It wasn't his child, but court says he must pay - January 5, 2006 |
Abramoff pleads guilty in casino case - January 4, 2006 |
G.O.P. Lobbyist to Plead Guilty in Deal With Prosecutors - January 3, 2006 |
Palm oil industry blamed for abuse of orang-utans - January 2, 2006 |
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