California 2014
Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
Filming Locations
A few weeks after taking the trip through New Mexico in the summer of 2014 we headed out to California for a couple weeks, hitting San Francisco, Monterey, Carmel, Big Sur, and Yosemite National Park.

While in San Francisco and Monterey, I took the opportunity to visit some of the filming locations for Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - considered to this day to be one of the best Star Trek films. It is also a personal favorite of mine, due in no small part to its unapologetic environmental message and heavy social commentary.

The film, directed by Leonard Nimoy, began shooting on February 24th, 1986 and was released on November 26th, 1986. Below are some of the filming locations for Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 28 years later.

A picture hanging at the Monterey Bay Aquarium
"The planet thanks you!!" - Leonard Nimoy
Here's a bonus shot of the filming location for the opening scene from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989), filmed at Yosemite National Park
(the rock wall William Shatner is climbing is actually made of fiberglass).